10 Amazing Benefits of Cycling After Dinner

Imagine you just had a heavy dinner and want to do some light exercise. Then, you need to get the proper information about cycling after dinner before taking your bike out at night. Furthermore, you should know the benefits of cycling after dinner.

Indeed, cycling has immense benefits for health. Sometimes, getting a bit lazy after dinner is completely normal, so you need true motivation to get up and go cycling. This will certainly help you stay active and productive.

Stretching your legs and burning some calories after a meal is always one of the best ideas. But you must keep a few precautions in mind to avoid any stomach disturbance. If you do cycling after dinner, it’s going to help you a lot in terms of digestion and staying active.

Don’t jump to conclusions right away. Because there’s so much you need to know before starting cycling at night. There are a lot of benefits of cycling after dinner, but that’s not just it.

Let’s deep dive in without further ado.

Is it Beneficial to Cycling After Dinner?

Yes, undoubtedly, cycling after dinner does benefit the body in many ways. But taking your bicycle out right after a heavy dinner meal can make your stomach upset. So, if you have had a heavy meal, then you need to wait.

Now, the real question is, how long should I wait to cycle after dinner? This is the question you must know the answer to at all costs. This section is going to clear a lot of doubts.

First of all, you must wait for at least 1 hour and a maximum of 2 hours, if you had a heavy dinner. The wait between 1 to 2 hours works perfectly for cycling after dinner.

Whereas, if you had a moderate meal or just ate some snacks, then waiting for 30 to 1 hour is considerable. Experts always suggest waiting at least 1 hour, if you’re intending to do a cycling session.

Additionally, cycling right after dinner won’t help you in digestion, in fact, it does otherwise. Waiting for a certain time will give your full stomach some time to start the digestion process.

It’s never too late to start cycling once a day, especially at night. So, starting it today is going to transform your productivity, for sure.

benefits of cycling after dinner

10 Benefits of Cycling After Dinner

Here are a few potential benefits of cycling after dinner. When we say, after dinner, it means after waiting for more than an hour. So keep that in mind.

Body Stretching

Have you ever procrastinated after a heavy dinner? If so, then you’re not alone. Because we all have been there. Cycling might help you in this matter.

Body stretching is one of the best ideas to keep yourself active and energetic. If you’re looking for a way to stretch your muscles, then there is no better way than cycling.

Going cycling after dinner thrice a week or as much as you want is great for leg exercise, muscle stretching, glute activation, and whatnot.

Promote Digestion

Cycling after a small meal doesn’t only help in staying active but is great for metabolism and digestion. If someone is struggling with digestion then consider going on a small session of cycling after a moderate meal.

Besides that, as we have mentioned before, never go cycling after having a heavy dinner. Since it can make your stomach even more upset.

Also, you might start feeling nauseous and throwing up. So, it’s better to wait for an hour, at least.

Weight Management

You can work on your weight and fitness goals with the help of cycling at night. If you’re trying to lose weight, cycling is certainly a good idea to burn calories from your body.

Besides that, you can achieve a healthy weight by adopting the habit of cycling after dinner. Weight management is one of our favorite benefits of cycling after dinner.

Lowering Cholesterol

Nobody should have a high level of cholesterol in the body. There’s no doubt about it. But if you do have high cholesterol in your body due to bad eating habits, get a bicycle and start going for commutes at least thrice a week.

It’s scientifically proven that indoor cycling after dinner does help in lowering cholesterol levels and has a positive impact on the body. Also, there will be fewer chances of strokes and heart diseases.

Mental Health

Stable mental health is one of the best benefits of cycling after dinner. Constant daily chores and a hard lifestyle can certainly make one dull and stressed. A session of workout can lift your mood and help you stay full of energy.

In addition to that, if you find no motivation for going to the gym, then getting a bicycle is all you need to do.

After snacking or light dinner, take your bike out and start cycling for at least 20 minutes. It’ll surely boost your mental health and brain power.

Physical Strength

Physical health is as important as mental health. Cycling is one of the best ways to improve your physical strength and endurance.

Continuously using your legs while cycling is going to give you extreme strength. Not only that, but it’ll keep you in shape as well.

Keep Disease Away

Do you know that cycling after dinner helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases? No? Here you go. Cycling is one of the healthy habits everybody should adopt to live a healthy and disease-free life.

Diseases such as heart strokes, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and obesity can be easily controlled by just one regular habit. That’s cycling after dinner.

Improve Body Balance

Achieving good body posture and body coordination are significant benefits of cycling after dinner. Cycling, in general, will help you get perfect body balance. This will make you more flexible and resilient.

Help in Productivity

The same work routine and daily home chores can get pretty boring and can affect our productivity and youthfulness as well. So, if you’re feeling less productive and lazy, you know what to do. Get up, grab your bike, and start cycling.

Bike commuting at night has a lot of benefits for one’s health and brain. So it’s never a bad idea.

Releasing Stress

Are you feeling anxious and stressed lately? We know life can get pretty rough at times, so how about starting a productive habit that will help you release stress? Sounds like a great idea.

Cycling after dinner will give you some time and space from all the chaos and other chores. Consequently, you’ll breathe fresh and feel energized.

That’s all for the benefits of cycling after dinner, let’s jump into the next section.

benefits of cycling after dinner

Drawbacks of Riding a Bike Right After Dinner

If you won’t wait for more than an hour after having a heavy dinner, then it can cause a lot of damage to your health. This section is all about making you understand the drawbacks of cycling right after a heavy dinner.

So, here we go.

Upset Stomach

Heading cycling after having a fulfilling dinner can lead to stomach discomfort, nausea, and vomiting. You need to give your body some time to start the process of digestion. Otherwise, be prepared to get stomach cramps, and even worse.

Also, you won’t be able to enjoy the benefits of cycling after dinner. Always give your body a chance to utilize the energy after having a meal. Doing so will help you get the most out of cycling.

No Calories Burning

If you’re thinking that you can achieve your fitness goal by cycling after dinner, then let us tell you that you’re living in a false paradise. Let’s get to the logic behind it.

You won’t be burning calories or fats from the body by cycling after dinner because it’s the carbohydrates you’re kicking from your body. It’s comparatively easier to burn carbohydrates than fats.

Reduce Endurance Capacity

Late night cycling after a heavy dinner is going to reduce your endurance capacity. On the other hand, riding a bike on an empty stomach is great for increasing the range capacity. Riding a bike on an empty stomach will burn those stubborn fatty layers from your body.

Effect Hormones

Cycling after dinner is going to do a lot of bad things to your body, and affecting hormones is one of those. Do you know cycling on an empty stomach promotes growth hormones? Yes, it does.

This means that bike commuting at night right after dinner is going to do the opposite. It’ll surely suppress the growth hormones and body healing as well.

So, if you’re waiting for happy hormones in your body, then you’re completely on the wrong track. Change your cycling habits if you want to get positive results.

Things to Avoid – Cycling After Dinner

It’s almost impossible to get the benefits of cycling after dinner if you do the following things. Stop doing the below-mentioned actions and start getting the most out of cycling.

Oily and Fatty Food

Did you eat oily and fatty food for dinner? If so, then don’t go cycling right after dinner. If you want to have a comfortable cycling experience after dinner, then avoid oily and fatty food. It’s, generally, bad for your health as well.

What is the scientific logic behind it? Well, fatty food makes the digestion process even more difficult. It can be too much for your stomach.

Fatty food is hard to break down and then stored in the body. Eventually, the whole process of fats breakdown and digestion makes you lazy and less active. So, the benefits of cycling after dinner cannot be achieved with oily and fatty food consumption.


A healthy lifestyle can’t be achieved without leaving bad habits. That’s a fact. If you love having a glass of beer after dinner, then you’re making the biggest mistake here.

It’s recommended to not drink alcohol if you’re planning to start cycling after dinner.

The quantity of alcohol is not a matter here.

Because even a small quantity of beer can cause restlessness during cycling. There’s a strong chance of having gastrointestinal discomfort while cycling.

Eating Heavy Meal

As we have mentioned this many times and we are stressing over it again. Never take your bike out after having a heavy dinner. Heavy meals are a big no if you want to achieve the amazing benefits of cycling after dinner for your body.

Again, cycling after dinner is certainly great and offers incredible benefits but doing it at the wrong time can ruin the whole experience.

benefits of cycling after dinner

Tips for a Great Cycling Experience

If you want to make your cycling experience worthwhile, keep the following tips in mind. This will help you achieve the benefits of cycling after dinner even faster.

  • Never leave the house for cycling without a bottle of water. Keep drinking water and stay hydrated.
  • Keep having small breaks while cycling at night. Never go overboard as it will make you exhausted too soon.
  • Keep drinking healthy juices and builds throughout the day to keep your stomach all happy.
  • It’s great to warm yourself up before cycling. It’ll increase the blood flow and maintain the heart rate.
  • Keep things slow at the beginning of cycling. Gradually increase the intensity and give your body enough time to get used to cycling.
  • Also, don’t consume caffeine before cycling as it will also cause discomfort.
  • Don’t forget to cover yourself properly before cycling at night in winter.

Things to Eat and to Avoid Before Cycling After Dinner

There are plenty of things you should avoid eating before cycling. Always remember to eat light that doesn’t feel too much on your stomach.

One of the best nutrients you should consider eating is carbohydrates as they are easy to digest and a great source of instant energy. Here’s a list of items that are a great source of carbohydrates.

  • Banana
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Porridge
  • Sweet potatoes

Now let’s talk about eating items you should avoid before cycling after dinner. You always should be particular about what you’re consuming before cycling as it can certainly make your ride hell. No jokes here.

Here’s the list of things to avoid eating before cycling.

  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Alcohol

Never go near the above-mentioned items, otherwise, just forget about a great ride and getting the benefits of cycling after dinner. Nobody wants a stomach upset, distress feeling, vomiting, and feeling nauseated during a cycle ride.

So, avoid consuming a lot of protein, fat-rich food, and a glass of alcohol. You can save a protein portion after the cycling session.

Frequently Asked Questions

1: Is cycling after dinner good or bad?

Cycling after dinner is certainly good for building stamina, mental peace, and other physical benefits. All you need to do is keep a few precautions in mind before taking your bike out.

2: Can we go cycling after dinner?

Yes, for sure. There are amazing benefits of cycling after dinner you must experience. Just wait for more than 1-1.5 hours max and you’re good to enjoy your cycling experience.

3: Does cycling after dinner help in weight loss?

Yes, it does but not always. Cycling after a heavy dinner won’t help you with weight management. Consider having a small snack rather than a heavy meal. Also, cycling on an empty stomach will help you a lot in losing weight.

4: What is the best time for cycling?

You can cycle anytime you prefer. But the best time for cycling is the afternoon and night after dinner. This is the time when the body performs better than the rest of the day.

5: How many minutes of cycling is healthy?

The healthy and preferable time of cycling is between 15 to 20 minutes. You can always cycle more according to your body. Because nobody knows your body better than you.

6: Is it okay to eat mid-ride?

Yes, it’s perfectly fine. If you are going for a long cycling session, it’s probably a good idea to have some eating items with you. Having a banana is a great item for a mid-ride meal. Other than that, you can carry energy gels with you.


To put it simply, cycling after dinner is one of the best activities you can do to enhance body endurance and mental peace. Make sure you’re doing it right otherwise you’ll miss all the great benefits of cycling after dinner.

To conclude, if you’re a beginner cyclist, never go cycling after dinner, as it will make you sick and nauseous. Just wait for 1-1.5 hours and let your food sit for a while in your stomach. This will help your stomach start the digestion process and provide you with enough energy for cycling.

Keep all the precautions and benefits of cycling after dinner in mind that we have mentioned in this blog post. We want you to get all the great benefits of cycling after dinner.


Writer & Blogger

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